As of 10 November 2015, a total of 430 species have been recorded this year

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Friday, 25 February 2011

WHITE-TAILED SEA EAGLE in HAMPSHIRE - tree roosting site

Although the White-tailed Eagle was seen several times from Newnham Lane today, it spent most of the afternoon sat at the top of a tree - out of view from the road in an area with no access north of Hale Farm. If it can't be seen from the road, I suggest walking up the very muddy track that starts at SU699544, and watching from the bridge over the Lyde River at SU696546. It was perched about 400m west of there - but very obvious and easy to watch. It flew east at 1655, presumably to roost (Keith Betton)

Thursday, 24 February 2011

With temperatures increasing, first SAND MARTINS and NORTHERN WHEATEARS arrive on South Coast

With temperatures in the south of Britain reaching 15 degrees centigrade today, it was no surprise that the first few migrants started to trickle in, with two SAND MARTINS arriving, as well as 3-4 NORTHERN WHEATEARS; an early STONE CURLEW was also recorded in Hampshire. With these new additions, the tally for species recorded in Britain and Ireland combined this year reaches 257.

On the rarity front, the first-winter ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE is still surviving in Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire, 20 miles to the west of Oxford, still visiting gardens of The Leys. To increase the Daisy Fund, Emma and Jebs are still welcoming birders to the rear of their garden at 33, where views of the bird can be regularly obtained, especially when it has had its feed at 41. Please donate £5 to this very worthy cause in return for such hospitality. Later in the morning, the bird usually relocates to the Ash trees on the opposite side of the road, where it can be observed roosting from the lane at the bottom of The Leys.

In Hampshire, the juvenile WHITE-TAILED SEA EAGLE that wintered on the South Coast in the New Milton area has now staged on its return migration to eastern Europe in the Basingstoke area, being seen several times today about a mile NE of Old Basing feeding on the ground in a field north of the minor road to Newnham, just west of the track to Blacklands Farm at SU 680 540 (Keith Betton, John Clark, et al). It was also seen circling with Common Buzzards over Tylney Hall late morning

A beautiful male SCANDINAVIAN ARCTIC REDPOLL (form exilipes) is present with over 70 Mealy Redpolls at Allerthorpe Common YWT (East Yorks) for at least its third day, whilst large numbers of the latter continue to be seen, particularly in the north of Britain.

An adult BONAPARTE'S GULL continues to show well at the river mouth in Ligwy Bay, Traeth (Anglesey) whilst the near-adult apparent SLATY-BACKED GULL was reported again from Rainham Landfill (Essex) around lunchtime.

The first-winter LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER commuted between Lodmoor Reserve and Radipole Lake RSPB (Dorset) today, whilst in West Cornwall, the adult PACIFIC DIVER remains offshore at Long Rock, Marazion.

A drake FERRUGINOUS DUCK of unknown origin is at Horseshoe Point on Oulton Broad, Lowestoft (Suffolk), whilst the drake AMERICAN WIGEON continues with Eurasian Wigeon on the Windrush Valley reserve at Rushy Common, just SE of Witney (Oxfordshire). LESSER SCAUPS include an adult drake at Dozmary Pool, Bodmin Moor (Cornwall) and the first-winter female on the Rushy Pen at Slimbridge WWT (Gloucs).

In North Lincolnshire, the juvenile ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD is still showing well on fenceposts west of the cement factory at South Ferriby, whilst further south in North Norfolk, 3 birds remain in the Overy Marshes and Gun Hill area. Nearby, the juvenile Hen Harrier showing characteristics of the Nearctic form is still to be found over the saltmarsh just east of Thornham Harbour, with another seen again on Lewis (Outer Hebrides) in recent days, whilst elsewhere in the county, the 10 SHORE LARKS remain on Cley Beach, the first-year SPOONBILL on North Scrape, Cley, and up to 12 Lapland Buntings at Weybourne. In North Kent, the 3 SHORE LARKS remain on the beach east of Reculver Towers.

The BLACK-THROATED DIVER remains on the Pylon Pool at Willington GP (Derbyshire), with a GREAT NORTHERN DIVER still nearby at Carsington Water, whilst two GREAT NORTHERN DIVERS were again on the South Basin at Staines Reservoirs (Surrey). Two LONG-TAILED DUCKS are still present on the Sailing Pit at Barton-upon-Humber (North Lincs) with a RED-NECKED GREBE still on the Cove Farm GP at Westwoodside (North Lincs).

The CATTLE EGRET continues in fields by the River Taw at New Bridge (North Devon) north of the A377 at SS 568 285, as does the bird on the Fowey at St Winnow (Cornwall), whilst the 6 GREAT WHITE EGRETS continue at the Shapwick Heath NNR (Somerset). Another GREAT WHITE EGRET was again at Kirkby-on-Bain GP (Lincs) this morning, with another long-stayer on Worth Marshes at Sandwich Bay (East Kent).

There are still large numbers of EURASIAN BITTERNS and BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS around, as well as MEALY REDPOLLS in the north, whilst immature ICELAND and GLAUCOUS GULLS on the move are appearing at new sites.

Very little news received from IRELAND this week although negative from Rossaveel where the juvenile Thayer's Gull was looked for and not seen. The CENTRAL ASIAN LESSER WHITETHROAT continues to visit the fat balls at The Priory gardens in Drogheda (County Louth), with all three adult RING-BILLED GULLS again on the slipway at Nimmo's Pier, Galway Harbour (County Galway).

Monday, 21 February 2011

First STONE CURLEW of year

Very surprised to see a very early Stone Curlew in Hampshire today. Watched for 1-2 minutes at 11.25 am. Flew low overhead calling continually over fields half-way along the road sign-posted to East Martin just up the road from Toyd Down (Ian Williamson).

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Essex SLATY-BACKED GULL gives itself up big time

In Essex, the near-adult SLATY-BACKED GULL has been appearing with much more frequency than before, today unusually visiting a closed tip at Rainham from mid-morning. It soon lost interest in the tip and roosted on Wennington Marsh with other large gulls before moving to the reserve Target Pools to wash and bathe. It returned to the tip just after 1300 hours and remained in the area until 1454 hours at which time it flew east along the River Thames. In recent days, it has also visited the strictly private Pitsea Landfill again, where it loafed for a short while later in the Wat Tyler Country Park roost. The bird has now been successfully twitched by in excess of 1,800 birders.

Meanwhile, the first-winter ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE was still to be found in Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire) today, ranging the gardens in the vicinity of The Leys and roosting in the treeline just west of the houses best viewed from Lord Piece Road or the lane just along from Jewson.

Please park sensibly and courteously and support the community by donating £5 towards the Daisy Fund, either by dropping the money through the letterbox or by sending a cheque to Emma Cockburn, 33 The Leys, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. Alternatively, help Birdlife Malta put in position 30 volunteers this year in an effort to safeguard the dramatically declining European Turtle Dove - full details of pledge support on my main UK400Club blog.

The adult winter PACIFIC DIVER remains distantly off Penzance Harbour (West Cornwall), moving between the Jubilee Pool area and the Long Rock beach car park

Two CATTLE EGRETS continue to be seen in the vicinity of Perry Farm House, between Alderholt and Ashford in Dorset; park on the B3078 and take the footpath west for about 200 yards to view north from the metal gate. Also, in West Cornwall, a single CATTLE EGRET continues to be seen on the Fowey Peninsular, just NE of St Winnow church, with another in North Devon just downstream of New Bridge.. All six GREAT WHITE EGRETS roosted at Ham Wall RSPB (Somerset) this evening, being visible from the first viewing platform at dusk.

A drake AMERICAN WIGEON remains with 98 Eurasian Wigeon at the new Windrush Valley reserve at Rushy Common (Oxfordshire), situated between Stanton Harcourt and WitneyThe adult female SURF SCOTER remains off Dawlish Warren (South Devon), with a long-staying female COMMON EIDER still to be seen at Lockwood Reservoir, Walthamstow (London).

The first-winter LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER that was showing ludicrously well at Poole Park (Dorset) has now moved back to Lodmoor NR 20 miles to the west, where it can be viewed from the Perimeter Trail and screens overlooking the lagoons.

In North Norfolk, the juvenile Hen Harrier showing characteristics of the Nearctic form hudsonicus continues at Thornham Harbour, whilst the juvenile seen on Lewis (Outer Hebrides) a week or so ago reappeared today with a male Hen Harrier in the Loch Barvas area. At least four ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARDS remain along the North Norfolk coast, feeding by day as far west as Scolt Head and then roosting in the secluded plantation on East Hills, Wells-next-the-Sea, overnight, whilst the long-staying juvenile continues to be seen at South Ferriby on the Humber (North Lincs).

There was an unusual inland movement of LITTLE GULLS today and yesterday, with 8 birds at Port Meadow, Oxford, on Saturday being followed by two adults at Ogston Reservoir (Derbyshire) early this morning and two more on the River Thames at Belvedere (London),

In West Cornwall, the first-winter ROSE-COLOURED STARLING continues to visit the garden feeders and birdtables at the Weethes Cottages in Penalverne District, West Penzance, whilst at the feeding station at Rainton Meadows DWT (County Durham), two very well-marked SCANDINAVIAN ARCTIC REDPOLLS continue to visit with up to 85 Mealy Redpolls.

The juvenile BLACK-THROATED DIVER continues to show well on the Pylon Pool at Willington GP (Derbyshire), where nearby a herd of 16 BEWICK'S SWANS remains in the field by the A5132 at Egginton, just west of the A38 bridge. Two more of the latter were an exceptional record on Shetland, making landfall on the Loch of Hillwell in the south of the archipelago. Three GREAT NORTHERN DIVERS are still wintering on Carsington Water (Derbyshire), where today they could all be seen from Lane End Hide, whilst at King George VI Reservoir in Surrey (permit access only), two GREAT NORTHERN DIVERS remain, as well as the VELVET SCOTER, RED-NECKED GREBE and SLAVONIAN GREBE. Another RED-NECKED GREBE is inland at Westwoodside GP in Lincolnshire, on the pit just NW of the village

Up to 10 HAWFINCHES are visiting feeders with other birds in the Wyre Forest (Worcs), providing visitors with amazing views at the Lodge Hill Farm feeding station; view sensibly from the bridge to avoid unnecessary disturbance and to allow the birds to settle.


The first-winter AMERICAN COOT is still to be found on Termoncarragh Lake, on the Mullet Penionsula (Co. Mayo), whilst in County Galway, Dermot Breen and others have been studying and photographing a superb juvenile THAYER'S GULL which has been present in Rossaveel Harbour and Fish Farm for the past three days. A new first-winter BONAPARTE'S GULL was identified in Sligo at the Quay Street car park, whilst a juvenile KUMLIEN'S GULL remains at the same location..

The RICHARDSON'S CANADA GOOSE that has spent all winter with Barnacle Geese was seen again this morning in the Raghley area(Co. Sligo) whilst the adult female BLUE-WINGED TEAL remains with Shoveler south of the causeway at North Bull Island (Co. Dublin).

The drake RING-NECKED DUCK remains on Carrowmore Lake (Co. Mayo) whilst two drake NORTH AMERICAN GREEN-WINGED TEALS were seen at tacumshin Lake (Co. Wexford) today

RING-BILLED GULLS include two adults at Nimmo's Pier, Galway Harbour (Co. Galway) and in Sligo Harbour (Co. Sligo), and singles at Cuskinney Marsh, Cobh (Co. Cork) and O'Callaghan's Strand in Limerick (Co. Limerick), whilst the adult BONAPARTE'S GULL was today back in the vicinity of the Pilot Camber in Cobh Harbour (Co. Cork). A few more GLAUCOUS GULLS than of late are being discovered, with two birds in Youghal (Co. Cork).

The INDIAN HOUSE CROW remains in Cobh Town Centre (Co. Cork) whilst in County Louth, the CENTRAL ASIAN LESSER WHITETHROAT continues to visit bird feeders at The Priory in Drogheda. Cape Clear Island (Co. Cork) recorded its first EUROPEAN BARN SWALLOW of the year today.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Local Mega - RUSTIC BUNTING in Bedfordshire

Back in the office now. I did not see it again but the area looks great and of course is already home to many hundreds of buntings this winter. I saw over 500 Corn Buntings and around 100 Yellowhammers. But this RUSTIC BUNTING was on its own on wires north of Hitchmead School at the end of Stratton Way, Biggleswade. I watched it for about 1 minute through the scope - good views. Most notable was its white belly and nice rusty streaking down the flanks. Quite a strong malar and super too of course. I reckon a winter male but not really had a chance to browse the books.

If you want to go and have a look, parking might be tricky for more than five or six cars and please remember, you are near a school. Walk north from the back of the school along the road/footpath. The bird was on the wires where the hedge starts on the right - c150m. But clearly it could be anywhere and hopefully, there will be a few pairs of eyes looking over the weekend (Richard Bashford)

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

SLATY-BACKED GULL reappears at Rainham whilst Chipping Norton ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE remains ever elusive

Andy Tweed relocated the near-adult SLATY-BACKED GULL at Rainham Landfill Site this afternoon (at 1320 hours) but almost immediately one of the local Peregrines moved in and scattered the large number of gulls present. Pete Merchant then found it again at around 1410 before it then moved over to Wennington Marsh and sat with the vast number of gulls gathering there to rest and preen. It finally moved over to the Target Pools on the RSPB reserve, where it remained on view until 1640 hours, at which time it flew east. With a total period of stay of 200 minutes, it was no surprise that just over 70 birders connected...

Meanwhile in Oxfordshire, the first-winter ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE remained for its fifth day in The Leys, Chipping Norton, initially visiting the favoured garden of number 41 for a period of ten minutes to 0830 and then an array of different gardens up until mid-afternoon. It remained incredibly mobile and elusive throughout, tending to roost for long periods in Ash trees and thick hedgerows

Access to gardens is at the total discretion of residents

Monday, 7 February 2011

An LGRE tour of the South West of Britain


The South West part of my Round Britain UK tour took place this weekend and despite the weather being truly inclement, virtually all of the Target Birds were achieved.

In fact, an almost record-breaking February deep Atlantic low bought three continual days of gale force SW/Westerly winds and intermittent rain - pretty poor birding conditions......

(0700-0830 hours)

We had left Little Chalfont at 0500 hours, arriving at the Poole Park gates just as it was getting daylight. Although we could barely stand up due to the strength of the wind, it was relatively mild - remaining constant all weekend at 12 degrees C.

We had come to Poole Park first to see Dorset's overwintering LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER - a bird we had initially seen at Lodmoor in November. Although there was no sign of it for the first half hour of light, Jon Mercer located it as it flew in to feed in its regular haunt - in the NE corner of the lake directly opposite the Poole Park Pond. The views were quite incredulous - at around 20 yards - and my best of this Nearctic species in a very long time. It was probing for food in the shallow water and seemed quite unconcerned of its surroundings - and remained solitary throughout the period of observation. Both Jon and Simon Knight obtained some superb images of the bird, the bird now having moulted in to first-winter plumage.

At the other end of the main lake, the muddy edge had attracted 8 Black-tailed Godwits, 14 Common Redshanks and a number of Oystercatchers, whilst other species recorded included the adult Australian Black Swan, 41 Mute Swans, 35 Atlantic Canada Geese, Grey Heron, Mallard, 91 Tufted Duck (all on the pond), 6 Common Goldeneye (including 2 adult drakes), Moorhen and Coot.

Frustratingly, a very confiding first-winter Ring-billed Gull was discovered after we left the site but sifting through the gulls earlier had produced an adult winter MEDITERRANEAN GULL amongst the 400 or so Black-headed Gulls present, along with 28 Common Gulls and a number of Argenteus Herring Gulls.

Passerines included Woodpigeon, Common Magpie, Pied Wagtail, House Sparrow (5) and Greenfinch.


A flock of 64 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS was feeding on a fully laden berry-bearing shrub at the junction of Purewell Cross Road and Normandy Drive but were very mobile in the strong winds, commuting back and forth across the road; also numerous Redwings and a single Greenfinch.


Despite the huge swell on the sea, it was possible to locate a number of seabirds and other species offshore from the shelter of the cliff namely -:

Vast numbers of RAZORBILL and Common Guillemot off shore, a few Northern Fulmars, 20+ Atlantic Great Cormorants, 3 RED-THROATED DIVERS, over 150 Great Crested Grebes and a party of 7 VELVET SCOTERS.

Driving along the Wessex Way in Bournemouth, a pair of Carrion Crows was noted at Richmond Hill.

(1030-1300 hours)

At Middlebere, waders on the high tide included a mammoth 818 click-counted PIED AVOCETS, 400 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Red Knot, 5 Grey Plover, 6 Bar-tailed Godwit, 35 Common Redshank, 1 SPOTTED REDSHANK and 200 Dunlin, along with large numbers of Common Shelduck, Eurasian Wigeon and Common Teal.

Two adult YELLOW-LEGGED GULLS were standing menacingly at the helm of the creek, whilst many Rooks were partaking in acrobatic display despite the conditions.

We then walked out from the Information Centre Car Park beyond Arne Farm to the double-decker hide overlooking the harbour and Shipstal Point - a walk that takes about 20 minutes.

The well-stocked feeders either side of the shop yielded large numbers of Blue and Great Tits (25 and 15 respectively), along with a few Coal Tits and Nuthatches, whilst the evergreens in the vicinity produced 5 Goldcrests. There were also a number of House Sparrows in the area, as well as 2 Robins, whilst the purposefully planted Sunflowers and other weeds along the 'Finch Trail' harboured 40 Chaffinches and 10 Goldfinches.

At the hide, we were delighted to find 24 SIKA DEER feeding out on the saltings, including amongst them four fine stags. The eight wintering EURASIAN SPOONBILLS were showing well, initially roosting to the left of the hide and then flying and feeding after being flushed by a PEREGRINE. One of the immatures was bearing rings on both legs - a blue ring on the left and a pale cream or yellow ring on the left inscribed '3Y'.

Also seen were 100 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 173 roosting Common Shelducks, 5 Northern Pintails (3 drakes), 40 Wigeon, 8 Red-breasted Merganser, 200 Eurasian Curlew, Great Black-backed Gull and Common Buzzard.

Heading further west in Dorset, we noted 10 Mute Swans at Wool and 3 Common Pheasants at Osmington.


At Radipole RSPB, we were instantly greeted by the long-staying drake Hooded Merganser of presumably captive origin in the channel to the right of the car park, mingling in amongst the horde of Tufted Ducks and 7 Northern Pochard. A Little Grebe was also seen.

An adult Ring-billed Gull had been present for a couple of days but had gone awol mid-afternoon, the large number of roosting gulls harbouring 300 or so Common Gulls, at least 9 MEDITERRANEAN GULLS and several Lesser Black-backed and Great Black-backed Gulls.


Not that much of interest other than 2 Shags, 3 BLACK-NECKED GREBES (including 1 in transitional plumage). 2 SLAVONIAN GREBES and 84 Red-breasted Mergansers, with just 8 Common Starlings at neighbouring Ferrybridge.


Scouring the fields north of the Moonfleet Hotel produced 10 Roe Deer but the two Salisbury Plain reintroduction Great Bustards had been flushed by a dog just prior to our arrival. They had disappeared to the north but we could not relocate them.


We spent the last hour of daylight scanning the sea at Dawlish Warren. The sea swell was high and the wind still gale force. We were able to shelter behind one of the coastguard huts where eventually I located the wintering adult female SURF SCOTER offshore, a single VELVET SCOTER, 10 Common Eider, 8 Red-breasted Mergansers, Great Crested Grebe, Shag and 3 SLAVONIAN GREBES.

It got dark at 1730 hours and we then continued west into Cornwall - eventually reaching our destination of St Austell just before 1930 hours.


We stayed overnight at Par and were away at 0615 hours. The wind at that time seemed to have abated somewhat but that was not to be the case further west. It remained mild though but still with light drizzle in the air. It was very grey and overcast.

A Red Fox ran across the A39 at Playing Place near Truro


It was just getting daylight when we eventually located Penalverne Place - to the west of the town centre and accessed from Penalverne Crescent. From here, we drove down 'Alverne Buildings' and this bought us out to numbers 1-20 'Weethes Cottages' where a very drab first-winter ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was frequenting the back garden of number 15 as well as a garden providing it with apple slices on the opposite side of the lane at the back of the gardens. It was associating with about 15 Common Starlings but did not appear until 0836 hours and was particularly mobile and elusive.


Next off, we had moved west to Drift Reservoir, where with the 40 Mute Swans, 100+ Atlantic Canada Geese, a single Greylag, 50 Mallard and 44 Tufted Duck attracted to the feed being thrown out by the house resident there, was the wintering first-year GREENLAND WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE.


By 0900 hours, we had located the wintering BLACKCAPS in the park - a male showing well and bathing in a puddle on the footpath. A party of Long-tailed Tits moved through too.


With the tide high and waves crashing across the swimming pool, all 42 PURPLE SANDPIPERS and 33 Turnstones were roosting in the sheltered lee on the east side of the wall. The views were typically rewarding. A few Shags were offshore.


(0920-1015) Despite the huge swell and near gale-force SW winds, the adult winter PACIFIC DIVER was eventually located from the shelter of the red and white coastguards hut, 100 yards down from the Marazion cafe complex. It was close in and just beyond the breaking waves and showed reasonably well for some time as it preened. A total of 3 GREAT NORTHERN DIVERS was in the same vicinity - about the Long Rock - along with a female COMMON SCOTER, whilst the bay held at least 40 Northern Gannets and 3 Grey Plovers flew west.


Guelva Landing and environs failed to produce either Water Pipit or Black Redstart - both species wintering there - but did yield at least 10 Rock Pipits and 8 Pied Wagtails.


Carbis Bay was like a millpond being completely sheltered from the fierce winds battering the south coast of West Cornwall. Well over 100 Shags were counted in the bay, along with at least 60 Razorbills, a very close-in GREAT NORTHERN DIVER and 8 Kittiwakes (including 5 first-winters). We did not locate either of the two Little Gulls though, nor any Goosander.


At Lelant Saltings, we located three redhead GOOSANDERS as well as Little Egret, Common Shelduck, 115 Wigeon, Curlew, Dunlin and an adult winter MEDITERRANEAN GULL.

On the Carnsew Basin, a SLAVONIAN GREBE afforded good views, with 9 Little Grebes and a female Red-breasted Merganser also present.


The drake RING-NECKED DUCK was showing very well, resting amongst a pile of Aythyas including a female GREATER SCAUP, 86 Tufted Duck and 41 Northern Pochard. Other duck present included 10 Gadwall and 8 Shoveler, with a Little Grebe also seen.


Just 4 LAPLAND BUNTINGS was located in the stubble field 85 yards south of the car park, feeding with 35 Skylarks and 20 Linnets. Up to 30 Chaffinches were also in the area.

We made our way back along the South Cornish coastline, checking out a windswept and birdless Carrick Roads before embarking on a ferry crossing at the King Harry Ferry. Once on the Roseland Peninsula, we soon located a healthy flock of CIRL BUNTINGS.


Despite a relatively calm and sheltered bay, just 4 divers were located - 3 GREAT NORTHERN and a single BLACK-THROATED. There was also a raft of 40 COMMON SCOTERS present, along with a number of Shags and Fulmars.


By 1515 hours we were at Par Beach Pool, where the single adult BEWICK'S SWAN was performing well, as well as the two GREATER SCAUPS (immature drake and female).


A real weekend bonus was the finding of a CATTLE EGRET on the Fowey - one of very few this winter in Britain. This bird was favouring the company of cattle and was showing reasonably well in fields NE of the church (accessed by walking along the public footpath opposite the church and at the second gate, continue 150 yards up the steep, muddy track to the cowfield at the top). We left the bird at 1600 hours.


The adult drake LESSER SCAUP was resting with a small group of Tufted Duck and Pochard at the south end of the lake.


We finished the weekend tour at Walmsley Sanctuary where the warden Adrian Langton was just departing on our arrival. Fortunately, he provided us with vital information regarding the vagrant geese, and the single TUNDRA BEAN GOOSE and 3 PINK-FOOTED GEESE were intercepted in the short grass field behind the Burniere Hide in amongst a large group of Atlantic Canada Geese. The single adult WHOOPER SWAN was also in this same field feeding with the Mute Swan herd whilst at the reserve proper, the 3 EURASIAN SPOONBILLS were watched until dusk (1800 hours) and numerous Common Snipe were flighting out to feed in the fields.

A most enjoyable and rewarding weekend despite the inclement conditions........